среда, 1 декабря 2010 г.

Madonna's First Hard Candy Fitness Gym in Danger of Being Shut Down - Spinner

Madonna at Hard Candy FitnessKevin Mazur, WireImage

On Monday, whenMadonnaopened her first Hard Candy Fitness gym,she saidits Mexico City location would prove an ideal spot to work out all the kinks and make any necessary adjustments before taking the brand worldwide. By Wednesday, she had already learned her first big lesson: businesses need permits.

TheAssociated Press reportsthat the gym is currently operating without the necessary requirements from the local government -- namely, a land use permit, a security plan and proof of adequate parking. If the new business can't produce a land use permit by Friday, it will be forced to shut down.

Granted, the proper paperwork shouldn't be hard to obtain. Upon learning of the gym's plan to open on Monday, the local municipality chief, Demetrio Sodi, granted a special week-long permit which allowed Hard Candy Fitness to go ahead with its grand opening plans. That celebration included a ribbon-cutting and dance class taught by Madonna, with music provided byPaul Oakenfold.

But Hard Candy Fitness isn't the only mover in that neighborhood with ties to the music industry: Sodi's niece is Latin Grammy winnerThalia. As for the Material Girl, well... lesson learned.


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